LH Plus Sdn Bhd Annual Back To School Aid 2019
Mr. Callum distribute LH Plus Sdn Bhd Annual Back To School Aid 2019 for 150 student at SKJ (C) Chong Chee, Hulu Yam Lama, Batang Kali November 19th, 2018.

The Little NGO
Every bit of help matters to The Little NGO. With much help, they get to realise their goal and mission in helping the poor break from the poverty cycle. Every month, we support in terms food, monetary contribution and most of all, moral support so they’d know that someone out there cares to lend a helping hand.National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM)
We’re making sure that the autistic community can seek help and comfort in NASOM. That’s why by supporting and giving NASOM the support they need, the autism society in Malaysia can continue to see NASOM as their beacon of hope.Malaysian Plastics Manufacturers Association (MPMA)
As part of the MPMA CSR campaign, we aim to create awareness on the importance of anti-littering, recycling and to put forward the message of “Plastics Do Not Belong to the Ocean!”.Malaysian Advocates for Cerebral Palsy (MYCP)
We understand that within each of us, no matter our physical differences, we’re all the same. That’s why, we would assist as much as we can to spread the awareness and to aid the parents of cerebral palsy children.Rumah Kebajikan Warga Emas Sang Riang
To help ease mobility issues in Sang Riang old folks’ home, we donated wheelchairs for their daily use and also to replace worn out ones they’ve been using for the longest time.National Stroke Association of Malaysia (NASAM)
Giving NASAM the support they need helps stroke survivors in Malaysia lead a normal life. We give in any way we can to let stroke survivors in Malaysia know that they will be assisted when it comes to going back to living their normal lives.Find out about
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